Pummy Kaur

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  What Would Gandhi Do?
  A Season of Non-Violence
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Pummy Kaur (pronounced like “yummy” with a “P” and “core”), the author of the best selling What Would Gandhi Do? Simple Solutions to Global Problems, was born in India into a Sikh family, living in a Hindu state with a long history of Muslim influence, and completed elementary schooling in a Catholic convent in Agra. She has since lived, learned, worked, played and grown in England, Canada, The Bahamas, Australia and the U.S.A., as well as travelled to many countries.

Her extensive studies include science, religion, mathematics, psychology, global issues, metaphysics, spirituality, philosophy, creativity, and education. Kaur is a cultural creative, an educator, author, social justice activist, international speaker, dancer, a single mother of three, and a community leader who has also dabbled in radio, T.V., the art world, politics, and journalism, receiving numerous recognition for her work in various fields. Pummy has been acknowledged with a variety of awards in the disciplines of education, dance, clothing design, environmental achievement, and most recently writing.

She is the Director of the Global Education Center, dedicated to education for living as if Life really matters. A frequent speaker at international conferences and regular contributor to progressive journal, she is a very busy social justice activist, and an Argentine tango addict. Pummy Kaur lives on the West coast of B.C., Canada within arms reach of her three adored adult children.



  • What Would Gandhi Do? Simple Solutions to Global Problems, 2008
  • A Season of Non-Violence: 64 Ways for 64 Days, 2011
Journals and Periodicals
  • The Humanist in Canada
  • The Global Educator
  • To Hear our Own Voices: Sermons by Pacific Coast Women
  • The Research Forum
  • The Big Picture
  • Allies
  • Multi-Faith Society Newsletter
  • Unitarian Universalist Newsletter
  • BC Peace And Global Education website (www.pagebc.ca)

10% of the profits from What Would Gandhi Do? and 10% of the profits from A Season of Non-Violence are donated, in perpetuity, to the Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education and South Fraser Women's Services Society respectively.

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